Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Discrimination...against me! I joke, I joke...

Okay, so for the first time in my very short life I felt discriminated against. Monday morning I walk up to get breakfast with my money, and I see cute little kids walking by and getting their trays. I walk up to the lunch men and they say, "No, you cannot get breakfast, you must go to the office and get your ticket."

I felt pretty rejected as I walked back across the commons and found the principal, paid for my little green ticket (which I resisted to rip into three tiny pieces) and then back across the commons to the lunch men again. I handed my ticket across the counter to them, and voila! - a tray with canned fruit, a warm piece of cake/bread, and a bowl of cheerios. Needless to say, on Tuesday morning I bought both my green (breakfast) and blue (lunch) tickets before entering the common area.

I cannot imagine what it was like for the Natives not so long ago in a white racist society. I got the tiniest weensiest taste...and YUCK!

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